Brand Identity

How do you integrate a new brand internally?

Rebranding is an exciting but challenging time.  However, although the main reason to rebrand is to attract even more of your target market, if your new brand is going to succeed, your employees must buy in so how do you integrate a new brand internally?

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Brand Guidelines

How do you write good brand guidelines?

One of the phrases we use every day is good marketing is all about consistency.  Brand is no different.  But how do you maintain consistency when loads of different people are using brand for their own ends and in their own way?  Simple.  You write good brand guidelines

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Brand Values

What is meant by brand values?

When we are asked what is meant by brand values, we have a choice.  We can revert to the theory – brand values are the key founding principles of a company, principles that guide how a company operates, communicates, and delivers for its customers

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What is the most effective marketing strategy?

There is a massive correlation between sales and marketing.  When they work together, they make a crucial and invaluable contribution to a company’s success.  However, the sales and marketing teams in many organisations still seem to work separately

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What are the 4C’s in design?

The 4C’s in design give a graphic designer a structure to work to, four steps that will produce genuinely eye-catching and durable design that does what it was designed to do – catch people’s attention and direct them to you

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What is the correlation between sales and marketing?

There is a massive correlation between sales and marketing.  When they work together, they make a crucial and invaluable contribution to a company’s success.  However, the sales and marketing teams in many organisations still seem to work separately

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How to promote your blog posts for maximum reach – Part 1

How do you promote your blog? Do you share it once on social media once and cross your fingers?  Of course not!  You’ve taken time and effort to choose your topic and write the blessed thing, so you need to do everything you can to promote your blog posts for maximum reach

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The dos and don’ts of infographics

When it comes to the dos and don’ts of infographics, our first definite do before you put pen to paper (or should that be keystroke to keyboard?) is to ask yourself three questions to bring the whole exercise into the sharpest possible focus

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